Well, a Good Afternoon to you guys and an Ouchy Wah Wah to the heat in Hampton Roads!! Yikes!! I think I melted some this morning on my 11 mile run!! It was absolutely disgusting!! So disgusting in fact that I had to make an urgent u-turn midway through my run. I seriously thought I was going to turn into a melty ice cream sandwich!! Oooohh, yum, that sounds good, though, doesn’t it??! Anyways, talk about pulling over at a gas station and…um…not being a car/truck???? Yeah, I pulled my booty over when I spotted the gas station and pumped some well water on myself!! #WaitYourTurnTrucksMommaNeedsToCoolOff!!! Watch out now, too because when I’m hot and exhausted, and especially when I beep my horn (a.k.a. yell at myself for being sooo ditzy), this girl is coming through!! Hehe!!

Hi, my name is Silliness and I LOVE (I mean LOVE) running places without taking ANY fluids with me what-SO-ever!! Like I actually thought I’d jollily run to Target and back without any water????? Nope, didn’t work out so well for me!! Oh and the whole running to Target thing…DON’T ASK!! Haha!!

Have you ever watched that 90’s show, Baby-sitters Club???? If not, don’t worry…I’ll explain!! One of the baby-sitters, Kristy, ALWAYS has these brilliant, BRILLIANT ideas that she thinks will go off without a hitch, but when it comes time for these “brilliant” plans to be executed, they usually explode in her face…yep, that’s ME!! I admit, my creativity gets the best of me sometimes! I end up venturing off like Winnie, the pooh with my heart in my head, daydreaming about these fabulous plans, but my head winds up…well, I’m not quite sure where my head ends up in this whole twisted equation, but I can assure you, it’s not where I thought it’d be!!

Why Target???? Funny story here. I thought it would be a fabulous idea to actually run to an actual destination (like Target) where:

#1- My run wouldn’t feel soooooo loooooong…where:

#2- Cars would keep my mind off of my sore legs (double speed workouts last week)…where:

#3- It would be a flat, sidewalk run…

HA, I found NONE of these things to be true and honestly, I didn’t even make it to Target!! (Insert werewolf growl) I think by mile 8, I would have rather been bitten by 2 werewolves and a vampire (think Twilight…the cute ones) than finish my run!! Well, let me put it to you this way, I wasn’t bitten by anything (there went my chance to live forever), BUT I did finish my 11 mile run!! Ohhh boy!! What a sweaty (I mean sparkly) run THAT was!!


I have to say, this summer has been filled with lots of sweat (I mean, sparkles) and running, buuuut NOT as much swimming as I would have liked. Usually during summers, I do the exact opposite (swim more, run less), which is kinda weird, but I guess when you’re training for an October half marathon (Crawlin’ Crab Half Marathon October 5th) and so desperately want to PR, you gotta prioritize. I have also come to the realization THAT I don’t have to swim, run, blah, blah, blah, aaaand blah ALL at the same time to feel successful. Let’s face it, I have no intention of doing a triathlon anytime soon, so I’m off the bike (for now) and prioritizing (getting my runs done first and then swimming IF there’s energy to spare).

I still yoga lots (and am SO excited about teacher training in October)!! Yoga is my happy place!! Speaking of happy places, my homemade kale chips are about to enter their happy place (a.k.a. the dehydrator)!! I’ve been cooking so much lately, too and seriously, it’s been a blast!! I’ve been eating green, bean, and mean lately!! Woohoo!! More to come!!

Have a fabulous day everyone,



  1. Charlotte

    It’s great to hear from you again! I miss your energetic posts! You are an inspiration. You sound a bit like me. I have attempted running places by myself with little fuel/water and it ended up badly for me. Good luck on your HM training. You will get that PR!


    1. Kristin

      Thanks for your encouragement Charlotte!! I really appreciate it!! It’s definitely frustrating and a little scary to run places unprepared!! Sorry to hear you’ve had some of the same experiences!! Eeek, NOT fun!! I hope you’re feeling fabulous!! Have THE BEST day Charlotte!! XOXO!!


    1. Kristin

      Haha, you’re right about that one!! Summer running can be very, VERY interesting!! Hehe!! It’s not pretty sometimes but we gotta do it, like find places for water!! Ohhh, that must have felt great to see the grocery store!! I think I would have sat inside one of the freezers. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful week!!


  2. Running Betty

    Great run! I’m glad you found somewhere to cool off! Despite having several “hydration pack” options, I have ventured off on way too many runs without water and ended up regretting it! You’ve been doing a fantastic job with your running (and all your other workouts) this summer….and I think you’re right about prioritizing! Sometimes I try to do too much and end up crashing hard! You’re in amazing shape and are going to rock your half marathon this fall! πŸ™‚


    1. Kristin

      Hey Kristine!! It has been a LONG time since we spoke!! I seriously hope all is well and that you’ve had a great summer!! Thanks for your encouraging words! Very nice! Also, thanks for the compliment!! It’s sweet to hear that you think I’m in great shape!! XOXO!! πŸ™‚ Running in the heat can be very gross, but hopefully sometime soon, the weather will turn a little bit cooler. We can hope, right?!! I’ve found prioritizing to be key!! Have a fabulous day!! XOXO!!


    1. Kristin

      Awwww, thanks for the great wishes!! I had a fantastic weekend and labor day!! I hope you had a fabulous time, too!! XOXO!! Also, I KNOW, it has been soooo hot lately!! Ugh!! Running in heat can definitely be hard!! XOXO!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


  3. Lauren @ ihadabiglunch

    WOW props to you for still making it through your 11 miles! That’s nuts with weather like that! I’m a huge fan of running somewhere to make it seem like less of a journey haha but you’re right, things never go according to plan. It matters that you’re able to go with the flow, which you always seem to do πŸ™‚


    1. Kristin

      Lauren!!! Hehe!! I know what you mean…usually something happens, BUT I guess it’s good to live in the moment and just go with it, right? You’re so very wise!! XOXO!!
      Thanks for your sweetness!! Running in the heat and humidity can definitely be horrible, so bring on Fall!!! XOXO!! πŸ™‚


  4. missadventuresinrunning

    I am so over this humidity, too! I suppose soon we will be complaining about the cold! They don’t make them like the Babysitters Club anymore. That was some good stuff!


    1. Kristin

      Haha!!! I know!!! LOVE Babysitters Club!! Such a great show!! You’re right, too- before you know it, the cold weather will kick in!! I can’t wait for Fall, though- it’s where summer and winter meet in the middle!! Yaaay!! XOXO!! Have a fabulous day!!


  5. sidecramps

    You have a great way of describing your activities and your feelings. And I have to admit that I’m with you, I like running places without taking any fluid with me too. I can’t stand having things on my back (camel back) or in my hands (water bottle) when I run. Just a mental thing I guess.


    1. Kristin

      Hey!! Wow, thanks so much!! What a great compliment you gave me!! I really appreciate it!! I hope you’re having a lovely week AND you’re right- running with stuff is not my thing!! It really is mental. I’m glad I’m not alone with this issue! XOXO!!


  6. FLRunnerBoy

    Mmmmm kale chips!!! Yummy nomnomnom πŸ™‚ and totally get you about running in this heat chica. Please let the grossness end and the fall begin lol πŸ™‚


    1. Kristin

      Yeeeessss please bring on cooler weather!! It’s going to be crazy hot this week and yuck, I’m tiiired of it!! XOXO!! Thanks for your support and have a fabulous week!! You’re awesome!! You’re awesome!!


    1. Kristin

      Ha, THANK YOU and YES, I was just talking about Crawlin’ Crab yesterday…I seriously hope it’s NOT this hot!! I think we’ll melt! Let’s both think happy, cool thoughts!! XOXO!!


  7. Heather @ HeatherRunsFast.com

    A) Good for you for chasing after your PR! B) I love that you call sweat “sparkles,” genius. C) I thought you were going to say your homemade kale chips were entering their happy place, aka your TUMMY! Keep pushing through the heat my lady! I’m going to go eat a melty ice cream sammie right now πŸ˜‰


    1. Kristin

      Hehe Heather!!! Okay wow, you’re brilliant!! My tummy is totally a happy pace for them and me!! Ohhh yes! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for ALWAYS being so supportive!! You’re an amazing person! I bet you sparkle, too! πŸ˜‰ Melty ice cream sandwiches are THE BEST because ya gotta eat them fast!! YUM!!


    1. Kristin

      Thanks!!! So nice!! Yuck, the humidity has definitely put a damper on runs lately!! Can’t wait for it to cool off!! Makes for more relaxing runs!! XOXO!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful week!!


Talk to me baby!!