“I don’t want to be overdramatic about it, but I’m starting to see a lot of my bad habits get the best of me.” Ben Gibbard

Happy Monday!! Slap me now, right? I hope everyone had a sensational weekend! Suspense, much? Well, DID you or DIDN’T you??? Share with me! Okay, so today we’re talkin’ bad habits! A pretty relatable topic, I think. You see, the thing about being kind to yourself means (sometimes) accepting what is (a.k.a. what you don’t want to change) and not berating yourself over it. I mean, if it’s hurting others, of course, change it, but if it’s not, embrace what’s YOU!

Here are some of my bad habits:

{1} Stop. Don’t judge, but I uuusuaaally leave on lights throughout the house. It’s not something that I do on purpose, rather something that’s done out of habit.

{2} Yuck. Gross. I don’t always wash my dishes after I use them. Eating my food is work enough, I guess. Come on, it does take effort, plus all the prepping that goes into my meals! BUT, I do wash them before I eat again.

{3} Usually around midnight, I wake up and eat. I like to attribute this little habit to the hungry monster that lives inside my stomach (it’s an inside joke), but really, it’s just me unable to resist my hunger pains. Well, at least my monster is on board with my vegan lifestyle!

{4} Ugh…I crack my knuckles…aaaand…I CAN’T STOP!! I try to, I really do, but then they start aching and feeling all tight, sooo…{Insert POP POP POP} I crack them! Well, at least I tried, right?

{5} Due to the fact that I order my skin and hair products online from several different organic websites, I try to stay on top of what’s running low. Although I’m quite aware of what I need, I never order it until the very last minute. Then, I’m all like, “AHHHHHH!!!”, panicky and stuff because I don’t have my face wash or what not, BUT I keep doing it. Hmmm…

{6} I know…I know…don’t sleep with the TV on all night, right??…BUT, I DO!! I just can’t break the cycle! It’s a comfort thing, I think, and I’m sure it attributes to my lack of sleep, too.

{7} Okay, so anything in my life that needs to be charged, more than likely will not get charged until it’s…well, until it’s…kinda dead. Good thing my husband doesn’t need a plug in. That could be kinda disastrous! Cell phone. GPS watch. Laptop. 0% charge.

{8} You better believe that when I’m done drinking my coffee, there will ALWAYS be a little bit left in my cup. Weird, I know, but it’s just something I do. I feel like if I finish it all, I’ll be too full or something. Haha!

{9} Yes, it’s very convenient to workout at home, BUT only when you put away your equipment. I admit, I (can) leave out weights and kettlebells, in particular, even the ab roller sometimes, but I NEVER (ever) do that at my local gym (or any fitness center for that matter). I believe in putting away what you use, period. I attribute my lackluster attitude (at home) to my (sometimes) rushed workouts.

{10} I buy celery, expecting to snack on peanut butter + celery (one of my fave childhood combos), throughout the week, but I never do. Believe me, I’m a big advocate for not wasting food, but there’s just something about having to cut my own celery, that makes me not wanna do it; therefore, not eat it. Maybe it’s the stringy stuff, maybe not? Who knows, but all I know is that I keep convincing myself that this week will be different, buuut it never is. Good thing my husband likes celery!



  1. charissarunning

    LOL, I love this! We all have bad habits. I always buy spinach when I go grocery shopping, intending to make my green smoothies… but then I never feel like making them and most of the spinach goes bad…oops! my bad… another bad habit: I tend to snack/eat in bed if my boyfriend isn’t home. I can’t help it! I need to be doing something else (e.g. on my laptop or watching tv) while I eat!! 😀 Have a wonderful day!


    1. Kristin

      Hehe!!! So funny about the spinach!! That totally sounds like me, too and eating in bed…is…AWESOME!!! So much fun and SO relaxing!! You’re beautiful!! Never forget it!! Have a fabulous day!! Thanks for your comment! It means so much! XOXO


  2. thedancingrunner

    Hilarious!! I definitely cannot sleep with ANY lights or media on whatsoever. How do you do it? LOL I’d like to know what kind of organic products you use for beauty/skin/hair etc…sounds neat!


  3. Court

    I leave the lights on around my apartment too. I have definitely gotten better about it than I used to be though. I also used to leave the TV on at night for comfort but now I can’t sleep with it on because the light and noise bugs me!


    1. Kristin

      HEY!! Yep, that’s good you’re getting better about lights. I’ve gotten a little bit better, but still need to work on it! I definitely get how the TV can be distracting!! Sometimes in the middle of the night I turn it off…sometimes! Hehe!! Have a fabulous day! XOXO


  4. weight2lose2013

    That was awesome, Kristin! My wife leaves TV’s on in every room. Drives me crazy! Sometimes I’ll come home from work and I can tell which rooms she was busy in. They’ll all have the televisions on and no one will be home. You can ask my wife if I have any bad habits and I’m sure that she’ll say no. 😉


    1. Kristin

      Tehehehe!! Rob, there is no way you have any bad habits!! Not at all!! And that’s funny about the TV’s!! I admit, I can be bad about that!! Oops… 🙂 Have a fabulous day! Thanks for your support! You’re the best! XOXO


  5. littlemoreeachday

    Love it! I have a bad habit of putting leftovers in the freezer and forgetting about them until my freezer is FULL of containers of unrecognizable frozen food no one will eat because they don’t know what it is. I definitely need a better system!


    1. Kristin

      Oh my gosh, that’s totally something I used to do. I would store leftovers and then forget about them! I’ve gotten better, but I still do it sometimes!! You’re awesome! Have an amazing day! XOXO


    1. Kristin

      Hey Lena!! Oh my gosh, I try and try to break it, but I usually can’t stop myself!! Oh well, at least I tried, right?? You’re perfect just like you are!! You’re amazing and wonderful and so beautiful! Have a lovely day! XOXO


  6. FLRunnerBoy

    Ohhhhh you leave TV on lol 😉 my dad does the same thing til this day and if you try turn it off he wakes up. He’s like a human motion sensor haha lol. And you crack knuckles I crack my ankles. Sooooo I’m not judging ya on that 😉


    1. Kristin

      Hey Lee!! Wow, cracking ankles does feel good! I admit, I do that sometimes, too!! I love what you said about your dad!! That’s soooo cute!! Hehe! The human motion sensor!! We have a lot in common! Tehehe! Have a wonderful day! XOXO


  7. Amy Christine

    You crack me up!!!! The dishes thing I am right there with you on!

    I hate putting laundry away. Mu husband washes and dries them and i put them away. But it takes forever for me to! It’s a bad habit, been this way my entire life. It will take me a week, sometimes two to put the clothes away. Definitely a work in progress for me!!

    Have a great week!


    1. Kristin

      HEY!! Ohhh…laundry…oh boy, I don’t like putting laundry away AT ALL!! It takes so much work and it usually takes forever!! I definitely get that!! Have a lovely day lovely lady!! Hope all is well and that you’re lovin’ yoga training!! Yay!! XOXO


  8. Lauren @ ihadabiglunch

    You’re too funny! We have so many of the same bad habits. I almost always eat in bed before I go to sleep (WITH Netflix on too). It’s such a bad habit (because my choices aren’t always the healthiest) but it’s become this little comforting habit I have. I crack my knuckles too (and pretty much every other part of my body haha) but I’m pretty proud of how loud I can make them crack. Gross, right? I’m definitely going to steal this idea for a post! As always, you’ve made yourself so relatable. Loved it! Love you!


    1. Kristin

      Hey girl!! Ohhh you steal away because I’m going to love reading your post!! I love them all like I love you!! Your words always inspire me! And no no no, I totally get the proud of cracking knuckles loud thing…I used to have competitions with my sister!! Haha!! It’s true, we did! Too funny! Also, eating in bed with Netflix…you just described heaven!! 🙂 Have a fabulous day!! XOXO


  9. Martha B

    I adore these lighthearted posts of yours. Thank you for the Monday giggle. I have a whole menagerie of bad habits… #1 is putting laundry away! I don’t mind doing it/folding it/whatever but when it comes time to put it away… yeah, I have to really fight for that. Happy Monday! Have a great week. (also – I think you can buy pre-cut celery. Probably more $$ but it saves you the stringy nightmare hassle 🙂 )


    1. Kristin

      Martha, you’re so wise!! I think I might just try the pre-cut celery. Maybe my celery habit will change and I’ll owe it all to YOU! 🙂 Also, putting away laundry…YUCK!! It really does take a lot of willpower to put it away! I do agree!! XOXO


  10. runsaltrun

    #4!!! I’m a knuckle popper too!!! It’s the hardest habit to break! I’ve tried to stop for years, but I swear that pressure builds up that just has to be popped out. Ahhhhh I feel like you really understand me. 🙂 xo


    1. Kristin

      Yay Salt, I love it!! You’re a knuckle popper, too!! It really is a hard habit to break! I’ve tried for years, but can’t stop!! Oh well!! I do love that we understand each other!! XOXO


  11. irishrunnerchick

    You are too cute! My husband leaves lights on and closet doors open – it drives me crazy. And I am the biggest procrastinator – tax due, rent check, report due – I’m going to leave it til the absolute last minute. It’s actually something I’m trying to work on for this year.


    1. Kristin

      Heeey!! My husband is definitely a procrastinator, too! I get it! Aaaand, I’m definitely trying to work on the whole lights thing. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. My dad used to yell at me and now…my husband does!! Haha!! Oh well! 🙂 I’m trying to do better!! XOXO


    1. Kristin

      Oh yes, I totally agree with you!! I mean, after you eat, you’re all energized and ready to get something done…well, anything but washing the dishes!! Haha! Good point! XOXO


  12. Running Betty

    Oh yes! Bad habits are totally relatable! I share some of yours including leaving my dishes in the sink and not eating foods that I buy (for me it’s apples…unless they are perfectly crispy I just can’t eat them!) I also have bad habit of biting my nails and hitting the snooze button at least 5 or 6 times every morning! I like your positive perspective on this too…you can totally recognize bad habits without beating yourself up about them!


    1. Kristin

      Hey Kristine!! 🙂 Happy Wednesday!! So, very cool that we share some of the same bad habits! I totally understand not wanting to eat apples unless they’re crispy and washing dishes right after you eat…who has time for that?? 🙂 Hehe! Ohh the lovely snooze button…such an easy thing to hit, right? Definitely understand! Have a wonderful day! XOXO


Talk to me baby!!