WELL, MAYBE!! Okay, sooo I admit, I can be just a tad bit superstitious sometimes and/or make big deals about stuff that’s silly. After all, my blogger tagline is:

Personal confessions of a twenty something drama queen.

So don’t you forget it!! Haha, kidding!! Just think… this time next year, my tagline will be different (well maybe) Eeek!! Because, HELLO, I’ll be 30! That’s crazy to say out loud!! I still can’t believe that my sister is 32 now! Yep, she just turned 32!! Wow, when did she even turn 30? It was just the other day, right?! Well, apparently not! 2 years blew past like a crazy thunderstorm and I’m left pondering where time went. Does it go and hide somewhere or what? I wish because then I’d bait it out with a piece of chocolate cake or maybe even a blueberry scone. Do you think Time likes blueberries? Hmmm…I hope because I have plenty of them in my refrigerator.

Can you believe I’ve known my husband for 10 years??!! Oh, by the way, our 4 year wedding anniversary was August 14th!! It was a great time! Remember, I was in that ahhhhh, I’m too stressed to post mode back in mid- August. Anyways! Whoa baby, I’m like totally freaking myself out now!! It has been a wild, twisty 10 year ride, but I gotta say, I love him! Honestly, I do!! We’re definitely a peanut butter and (grape) jelly kinda couple (well, peanut butter and strawberry for him). Check out why:

#1: We’re always stuck together (we do everything together),

#2: We definitely have our salty (peanut butter)/sweet (jelly) moments, but the salt is few and far between,

#3: People just can’t get enough of us!! Like yeeeeah, we’re cool, ya know, what every kid wants in their lunchbox!! Hehe!!

Yaaay!!! But back to the title (Husband Beware…)! The past two Wednesdays, excluding today (hopefully), there has been something scary happen to me. Okay, so last week I was at the dog park with Marc (my husband) and Prince (my Italian mastiff) aaaand…

Imagine this. Last Wednesday, Prince was having a blast at the park, you know, runnin’ raggid with his crew (a.k.a. pack of dogs) when all of a sudden the pack (including Prince) decides to switch directions in the middle of their play and run towards me at full speed. Well obviously, that was scary for me, but obviously they didn’t flatten me like a pancake because um, I’m here typing this post! That’s a good thing I guess! I don’t know many people that wanna be a pancake! I know I sure don’t!! Yep, SO Prince (Mr. 125 pounds) is in full sprint mode, racing his friends, ready to clobber his competition, but hint, instead of clobbering his competition, he clobbers ME! Prince is such a klutz. I mean seriously, he trips over EVERYTHING!! He’s SO much like Scooby Doo!! It’s usually kinda funny, but was less than desirable (let’s face it, I was mad) last Wednesday. He stomped on my right big toe mound so hard that I wanted to scream, kick, and cry (but I didn’t)!

I tried NOT to panic (although my big toe mound looked grossly swollen and out of place) , but then I whimpered when my husband said:

We’re going to Patient First NOW!!! I think Prince just broke your toe!!

I had to get x-rays and the whole nine yards, but as it turned out, it wasn’t broken, just severely bruised. I have to say though, it wasn’t that comforting to have the x-ray lady tell me how bad it looked… I wanted to scream, HELLO, I’m wearing a tank top that says, Run Fast!

Grrrr…Don’t scare this runner…I have a half marathon October 5th!!

To sum it up, I had to wear this uncomfortable boot for a few days (riiiight…that’s what I did…more like, run 6 miles the next day…shhhh…) and wish that Dr. Marshall, my doctor (THE MOST awesome doctor in the world), was opened 24 hours a day because as it turns out (or as my husband told me), I’m not so good with the whole injury thaaang (he didn’t say it like that). I guess I don’t like change, meaning I like to be around people that I know, trust and love, especially when I’m going through something scary.

On a happy note, I ran 9 miles today (with lots of hill work)!! Awesome!! Have a fabulous day!! Happy Wednesday!! Hehe!! XOXO!!


This was my foot the next day…










    1. Kristin

      Much thanks!! I ALWAYS appreciate your kindness!! I know I’m sure to smile when I read your comments! You’re wonderful! My foot is feeling much, MUCH better!! I’m so thankful it is healing fairly quickly! Have a GREAT 20 miles!! Honestly, I can’t even imagine running 20 miles!! You rock!! XOXO!!


    1. Kristin

      XOXO!! Ha, meee too!! I’m glad everything turned out okay and that my toe wasn’t broken! Mmm…I LOVE peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and my husband does, too, so I thought it was appropriate!! 😉 😉 Hehe!! Thanks and have a fabulous day!!


    1. Kristin

      Hehe!!! I’m just going to put this out there that YOU’RE AMAAAAZING!!! YOU ARE!! You’re:
      1} Supportive 2} Kind 3} Loving 4} HILARIOUS 4} Inspirational 5} Aaaand oh SO cool!!!
      XOXO!! I hope you’re okay!! I’m thinking about your family and friends!!


  1. weight2lose2013

    Kristin, that looks painful! Dogs love us, but sometimes they do the craziest things to us. I hope that you’re feeling better!!!


    1. Kristin

      Thanks Rob and you’re right, dogs are the best, cutest, furry babies, but can definitely cause mischief every now and then!! Whoa, do they!! Hehe!! Have a fabulous day!! XOXO!!


    1. Kristin

      Ohhh THANKS!! Always supportive and kind!! My foot is feeling much better now thankfully!! Peanut butter and jelly is THE BEST!! Haha! Thanks for your awesome comment!! XOXO!!


  2. Open Up Life

    Happy Anniversary (sorry this is late)! I’m sure you two had a great time! Wow, your toe is tie dye color, so sorry to hear that it was hurt. Doggies just don’t know how strong they are, but even though you may get injured from time to time, they are so LOVEY! It’s so nice to see two people so happy together! Have a beautiful day(evening)! Peace, love, blessings.


    1. Kristin

      Awwww, soo thankful that I know ya!! You always shine like a star and light up my blog!! I always appreciate you taking time to stop by and comment!! It really, really means a lot to me!! My foot is still bruised but feeling lots better so thank you for caring so much to comment! You’re right, doggies are the greatest and although can cause trouble from time to time, are such loving, beautiful animals!! XOXO!!


      1. Open Up Life

        You are always so sweet! Grateful to know you as well. It always makes my day when you visit and comment on my blog and when I read yours. You have such a gift to bring joy, happiness and love to people’s lives. Yeah doggies are loving and sometimes I wonder what they think of us humans. Still waiting for the day when my dog says something, he he. Have a beautiful day! Peace, love, bliss! XOXO

      2. Kristin

        Ha, LOVE this comment!!! I’m waiting for Prince to talk to me, too!! Boy, that’d be something, wouldn’t it??!!! 🙂 🙂 Thanks so much, too!! You’re amazing!! Always so encouraging!! LOVE IT!! XOXO!!

    1. Kristin

      Haha Cassy, boy do I know whatcha mean!! Doggies can be so silly and crazy sometimes, but Prince is definitely my best doggy dude!! He’s the kindest guy, but unfortunately trips over blades of grass, haha, so now I know when he’s running towards me to dive away!! Hehe! Have a fabulous day!!


  3. Amy Christine

    Happy belated anniversary!! 4/10 years, that is so amazing!!!!

    I turned 35 this year and have no idea where 30 went. It flies by so fast!

    This post was so cute! Minus the whole brutally bruised toe part!


    1. Kristin

      Hehe Amy!!! Ummm…you don’t look a day over 20!!! Boy to you look fabulous!! Time really do fly by so I guess it’s super important to live in and enjoy every single moment!! XOXO!! Hope you’re having a wonderful, fabulous week so far!! You’re the best!!


      1. Amy Christine

        You are WAY to sweet!! I still feel like I’m in my 20s, definitely no change there. I think doing things that instill a little bit of fear in me keeps me young 🙂

  4. Run Colby Run

    OUCH. Oh Prince! He STOMPED on you! And just for the record—you are a terrible patient! Ha! Who am I kidding? I’m horrible too and would have gone running as well! Heal up! 🙂


    1. Kristin

      Tehehe!!! Ohhh…I’m a horrible patient!! Just horrible!! Ha, my husband told me that, too!! Tehe!! You’re the best!! Just love your comments!! Aaand Oh Prince is right!! He’s such a silly boy!! XOXO!! 🙂


    1. Kristin

      Dogs are sooo silly, right??!! They ARE adorable, though!! Glad your Doberman hasn’t broken your toe, too!! That’s always a good thing!! Have a fabulous weekend!! XOXO!!!


    1. Kristin

      Hehe!!! Thanks Lauren aaaand I’m probably not the best patient and probably shouldn’t have, BUT at least it’s feeling much better!! Oops!! You’re awesome!! You always make me smile!! Have a fun, fabulous weekend! XOXO!!


  5. V

    The part about your husband is too cute. And yes, time goes too quick. When people ask for recent pictures (for work or whatever) I always think the pictures that are like 2 and a half years old are recent


    1. Kristin

      Hahahaha!!! Me too!! Oh my gosh, I feel the exact same way about pictures!! I’ve totally done that!! Tehehe!!! Very cute!! Thanks for your support!! You’re such a sweet, caring person!! Always appreciate your kindness!! Have a great weekend!! XOXO!!


    1. Kristin

      Awwww, THANK YOU aaaand so beautiful!! You guys are soooo cute together!! Just the perfect couple!! I always appreciate your sweetness and your support!! Have a fabulous weekend!! XOXO!!


    1. Kristin

      Hehe, you’re right, silly dog!!! He is quite the silly one!! Tehe! WOW!!! Congratulations on 10 years!!! That’s SO fabulous and wonderful!! SO happy to hear!!! Beautiful!!! I hope you and your wife have THE BEST weekend!! XOXO!!


  6. katehouse89

    I hope your Wednesdays are safe from now on!! And I’m so glad you were able to run again, foot injuries are absolutely no fun! XO 🙂

    And congrats on your wedding anniversary!!! ❤


    1. Kristin

      Awwww, THANK YOU!!! I’m so delighted that it’s feeling better and that it didn’t hurt my running mileage!! You’re the best! Hope you’ve had a fab week and HAPPY WEEKEND!! XOXO!!


    1. Kristin

      Awww, THANKS!! It’s feeling great now, but you’re right, it’s never fun running with a hurt foot!! Hope you’re having a great weekend!! Thanks SO much for the comment!! XOXO!!


  7. Martha B

    I think us chicks with big dogs should start a football team.
    The way they get in a running frenzy and come straight at your knees…. If you can take a tackle like that, I think you can handle anything 🙂 glad your toe isn’t broken, but still, that is no fun!


    1. Kristin

      Hahaha!! Oh, I LOVE the idea of starting a football team. You’re so right, if we can take countless hits from our big dogs, we can take anything!! Hehe!! You have THE BEST ideas!! You’re brilliant!!


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