Yay, it’s Saturday! Whoop! Okay, I admit, I’m kiiinda quirky!! Here’s ME to a T! 

{1} Sometimes, after watching a scary movie at night, I act out the movie lines, pretending to be the lead actress. My dream is to be in a movie one day!

{2} I admit, the first few minutes of meditation, my mind keeps repeating, “Oh my gawd!” Sitting still has never been my strong suit.

{3} I absolutely, 100%, cannot leave my house without oil sheets AND lip gloss. I’m obsessed!

{4} Don’t judge, but doggy lips are kinda my thing! I love when they poke out! The pokier outer, the better! They’re just so darn cute! I’m like a kid in a candy shop. Scratch that! I’m like a runner in a running store! If I were Cruella de Vil (which I’m not because she’s eeeviiil), I’d collect them and kiss them all day long! Yay!!!


My sister’s dog!! Look at that lip!! Hehe!!

{5} Once I start a workout, I hate stopping! I like continuous movement. Whether swimming, running, lifting weights, or doing yoga, I rarely hit the pause button. That’s why I love circuit training! Speedwork is a whole different matter as well as swimming on intervals. I need the added rest between each individual swim/run because #1, it helps to build endurance and #2, it helps me to stay fresh throughout the set.

{6} Weird, but I can’t sleep on hotel sheets. I have to bring my own. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Ritz-Carlton, I’ve always been like that!

{7} If I walk past a squirrel, I’m callin’ it “honey.” Squirrels are my fave.

{8} I HAVE to start my day with orange juice or my morning doesn’t feel complete.

{9} I have a funny laugh that makes people laugh. Yep, I usually cause contagious laughter.

{10} Converses+ leggings are my thaaaang!! Love the combo!!

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  1. Just a Running Chick

    Am I quirky? I make up songs for my dog (usually involving well-known tunes! LOL). I don’t like stopping during a workout, either! And I’m not huge into makeup. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t wear any, but I here my mom’s voice in my head and put some on!


    1. Kristin

      Yay to not wanting to stop during workouts!! I really dislike stopping. I feel like if I do, it’s less of a workout or something! 🙂 I love that you’re quirky and that you make up songs for your dog!! Precious!!! Happy Monday! Have a wonderful week! You’re the best! XOXO


  2. Charlotte

    I have to have a kiss from both my dogs each day before I leave for work. I don’t even get a kiss from my hubby before I leave. I once forgot to kiss them and came back home to get a kiss! lol I can’t sleep with clothes sticking out of the drawers or a closet door open. You quirks are much cuter and funnier! lol


    1. Kristin

      Awww, you’re the sweetest Charlotte aaand…I love that you have to kiss your dogs before you leave!! That’s so beautiful and so perfect and so me, too!! Dog kisses are THE best! Totally! I like your other quirk, too- can’t sleep with stuff sticking out! I totally understand! Have a Happy Monday!! You’re so amazing! XOXO


  3. sarahdudek80

    I totally understand the hotel sheets thing….although I never brought my own! I really don’t find these that quirky. I think we all have our own little quirks that make us fun and who we are. My husband would tell you I am full or all sorts of quirks….I think that is why he loves me…and why I drive him nuts 😉


    1. Kristin

      Quirks can definitely be endearing! That’s the truth! Quirks are fun, too and I think they can even serve as a sort of entertainment for those around us! Hehe! Have a fabulous Monday! XOXO


  4. Running Betty

    Your quirks are adorable! I’ve been told I’m quirky, I day dream a lot and have strange ways of phrasing things. I also randomly hum made up songs without realizing it (until someone points it out)…especially when eating or making drawings at work.


    1. Kristin

      So cute! I love that you hum made up songs! That’s so cool and when eating??? Adorable!! I hope you had a fabulous weekend!! Happy Monday!! Enjoy your beautiful quirks today!! 🙂 XOXO


  5. Amy Christine

    I love this list!!!! Do doggie kisses count as doggie lips?! I can’t get enough kisses!! They are the sweetest! Right there with you on meditation. Definitely getting better but the beginner my mind is EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Kristin

      Hehe, meditation issss…TOUGH!! For sure! Also, I LOVE doggy kisses! They’re the best! I especially love giving kisses, though when their cute doggy lips are poking out! I’m weird!! Hehe!! You’re adorable and so sweet! Have a Happy Monday!! XOXO


  6. missadventuresinrunning

    Loved learning more about you! My sister refuses to sleep on hotel sheets, too! My biggest quirks are probably how I talk. Most people say I talk really fast and have a southern drawl. I’ve never lived in the South…I also love to quote sayings


    1. Kristin

      Awww, just the cutest!! That’s so cool and unique. Way to rock an accent! Also, I LOVE that you quote sayings. That’s the best!! Your sister doesn’t like sleeping on hotel sheets, either?? WOW, totally love her. That’s amazing!! Yep, we’re cool! 🙂 Have a Happy Monday! XOXO


  7. FLRunnerBoy

    Ohhhhhh now I’m dying to hear your laugh lol 😉 and Converse all the way baby!!! Ever since junior high my closet has had at least one pair currently I have a pair of black low-cuts. Yeppers we are too cool for school Kristin! 😉 OJ to start the mornings is a must eh’ … at least you are getting your vitamin C and that’s all good. Hmmmm one of my little quirks is my close have to be in color order in the closet … darks to light … left to right. All those years of working at JCPenney’s has corrupted me haha lol. You quirks are absolutely amazing Kristin 🙂


    1. Kristin

      LEE, I LOVE YOUR QUIRK and JCPenney’s rocks! Seriously, I wish my closet was like that! Boy, do I! That’s great! Thanks for your sweetness, too!! Hehe! My laugh can be really loud and bubbly, almost like I have too much laughter inside that I can’t get out! It really hits when I think something is so funny! 🙂 Yep, love my OJ and by the way, LOVE the word eh! You’re awesome! Oh and we are too cool for school and Converses are just THE BEST!! Happy Monday! Have a wonderful week! XOXO


    1. Kristin

      I LOVE fun words, too and I LOVE that you’re quirky!! Quirkiness is so cool to me!! Seriously amazing!! You’re the best! So fun! Have a fabulous Friday! XOXO


  8. Heena Rathore P.

    HAhha… such a cute list! I agree with the sheets thing! Also I never use their towels!
    And dog lips are my weakness! I also find the mean look of cats kinda cute!
    My quirk is I love black everything… nail-paint to eyeshadow… slippers, jeans, t-shirts… everything black… heheh! ❤


    1. Kristin

      Ohhh you are so stylish!! I love it!! So cool!! 🙂 Also, the fact that you love dog lips makes me wanna kiss and hug you!! Too much?? 🙂 Seriously, you are adorable!! Oh and grumpy cats… hello, I’m totally in love with grumpy cats, too!! Grumpy animals are the best!! I could kiss grumpy animals for days!! Hehe!! You are beyond awesome- I mean, you don’t use hotel towels, either!! We are friends forever!! 🙂 Thanks for your comment! Have a fabulous Friday! XOXO


      1. Heena Rathore P.

        There’s really nothing more cute than grumpy animals! And I can feel you on the towel and bedsheet thing… I’m so happy you understand me on this… I hate using anything that is used by others! yukkkssss!!!
        Thanks a lot… you are also very cute, adorable and to be honest, very pretty ❤
        Looking forward to know more about you 🙂
        Have a great day… lots of hugs!

      2. Kristin

        Hehe, grumpy animals are the best and so are you!! Thanks for your sweetness! I look forward to know more about you, too!! Have a beautiful day!! XOXO

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