Hey everyone!! It has been a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY full of sun, fun, and DISCOVERY!! Hope it has been a good one for you, too!!

WEDNESDAY WONDERS that are pretty wonderful:


1} A GRATITUDE JOURNAL: Staring tomorrow, I’ll write in my Gratitude Journal and this will be an everyday exercise! It’s a fun idea, if I don’t say so myself! What better way to show appreciation for yourself, than to document what you’re most thankful for AND to show you my true excitementย (about this new adventure), I’ll leave you with this…BOOM SHAKALAKA!!! Very effective, right?!


2} MY 5 MILE RUN: Another run in the books! What started out as a less than enthusiastic, “Ugh…do I really wanna do this…” maintenance run, ended in a hearty, “OH YEAH!! (strike a pose) OH YEAH!! (strike a pose)” type of touchdown dance (except it was a “I finished my run” dance). Dude, I kicked out some serious moves, too! I’m talking SERIOUS moooves, like ones that brought me back to my college days. I was in a hip hop dance troupe for a while. True story.ย 


My splits: 8:03/7:58/7:44/7:27/7:14

How cool!! An unexpected tempo run!! YES to having tempo while ya run and YES to having tempo after ya run!! Ha!!!ย 


3} READING THROUGH MY 4TH GRADE JOURNAL: Boy, the funny things I said…talk about hours (on top of hours) of entertainment! It’s good to know that (growing up), my top three qualities were (and still are) being a great swimmer, being respectful to others (thanks mom and dad), and having good manners (again, thanks mom and dad)! Pretty sweet! Aw, you little Kristin YOU! I tell ya, she was a-dorable! Funny thing is, growing up, I never slept in on the weekends (I had gymnastics, swimming, and dance)…maybe (under worst qualities), I was foreshadowing my college days…sleeping in and NOT studying! JK, I studied hard (Hi mom and dad!!)!!




    1. Kristin

      Aw, thanks!!! I bought a gratitude journal a few months back, but during my house makeover, couldn’t remember where I put it, but then…I found it (this past weekend)!!! Great timing!


    1. Kristin

      Awesome!! I’m so happy to hear you like the idea!! You should definitely do it!! I’m very excited to start it!! It’s really going to give me great perspective!!


    1. Kristin

      Haha, THANK YOU!! My mom is the ABSOLUTE BEST!! She has kept everything from kindergarten to my senior year of high school (and I graduated high school in 2003). A few months back, she gave me a huge file container that had everything in it and I mean journals, art and crafts, every progress report, EVERYTHING!! LOVE MY MOM!!!!


  1. Amy Christine

    Congrats on that 5 mile run!!!!

    And what a great idea on the journal. When you read it years from now it will be like how you are feeling looking back on your younger journal.

    Can I just add how nice your handwriting was then!!!!!!


    1. Kristin

      Haha Amy, thank you about the 4th grade handwriting!! I love it!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Thanks for the congrats AND I’m so excited about my gratitude journal! You’re right, years from now, it will be awesome to go back and read what I wrote!!
      Hope you’ve had a great day!! ๐Ÿ™‚ XOXO!!!


  2. sarahdudek80

    Sometimes the runs that start out the worst end up the best. I was just coaching a 13 year old boy tonight for an upcoming half marathon and was teaching him that you have to learn to not judge a single mile because they are all different some good some not so good but you never know what the next will be like.


    1. Kristin

      Sarah, this is honestly great advice!! I LOVE this and it’s so true! Wow, the same goes for yoga- each day is different. You might not stretch as far or reach as far but it’s important to listen to your body.
      You’re so awesome!! Thanks for giving me incredible perspective!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a wonderful day!!


  3. atwinthing33

    Great run! Jealous…. I used to be that fast…. Maybe tomorrow ill try to do a tempo run and not die hahaha


  4. Running Betty

    I love the idea of a gratitude journal – my best friend keeps one – she reads it any time she is feeling pessimistic. I so need to start one! Cute post and awesome tempi run!!


    1. Kristin

      Thanks Kristine! I do the meditation of gratitude everyday so I thought a gratitude journal would go hand in hand. Now I can write down all the positive aspects of my life! I’m excited!


      1. Running Betty

        That is so wondeful! ๐Ÿ™‚ we all have so much to be grateful for! I appreciate you and your positivity – reading your posts helps me keep perspective when I am feeling stressed out by things! Have a fantastic Thursday! The weekend is almost here! Yay!!

    1. Kristin

      Haha, thanks and boy, it’s so fun to look back and read my feelings in elementary school. It’s so interesting!! I’m so thankful to my mom that she kept everything from my school days!! Awesome mom I have!
      Thanks you for the run compliment and yes, SO TRUE, sometimes the least suspecting runs turn out to be the absolute BEST!! Have a great day! XOXO!!


    1. Kristin

      Thank you so much!! It felt good to let go and to increase my speed as the miles went on. And I’m excited to start my journal!! It’ll be fun! Have a great day!! XOXO!


    1. Kristin

      Thanks for the run congrats and ohhh, I hope your mom has your journals!!! I was pleasantly surprise a few months back when my mom dropped off all my school stuff at my doorstep. I had no idea she kept EVERYTHING from my elementary-high school days!!! So cool to look back and remember!! XOXO!!! Have THE BEST day!! Hope your foot is feeling better!!


  5. runsaltrun

    AWESOME run! I love those runs when you really don’t feel like it, but by the end you are totally rocking out.

    I love your Gratitude journal! I always thought this would be something that I’d like to do with my daughter as she gets a little older, but maybe I should start one for myself too. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Kristin

      Oh wow, keeping a meditation journal with your daughter- what a great idea!! So beautiful!! I will have to remember that! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hopefully one month soon, I’ll be a mommy!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Thanks so much for the run compliment!! You’re right, it’s a great feeling to start out unsure, but to then kick it into gear towards the end!! Have a great day!! XOXO!!


    1. Kristin

      Thank you so much Lisa!! It’s pretty cool!! Today is my first day and I’m very excited to start!! Have a fabulous rest of the day!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Kristin

      So true Lauren. That’s exactly what I was thinking. It’s hard to break the habit of harping on the bad, so this will be a positive reminder of everything that’s right in my life!! XOXO!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


  6. Shawna

    Gratitude journal is an awesome idea and right up my alley. Hope that is refreshing for you and provides you with some nice reflection time. Great run! You always kill it.


    1. Kristin

      Thanks Shawna!!! XOXO!! You’re just THE BEST!! You always support me! Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Today was day 1 and I’m really enjoying it!! It was definitely refreshing to write and reflect!! Thanks!!


      1. Nachthawk

        lol… don’t we know… so we will have a fun easter weekend… ๐Ÿ™‚ have a great one too… are you having special plans… we are going down south to visit some friends… ๐Ÿ™‚

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